Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Hmm...Disappeared from the page for really long rite! Im back now ...n I wanna see how I can put my ideas about spirituality in words! I donno why I wasthinking about this ..but I happened to think for real some time today!

Spirituality - well I dont know the dictionary meaning for it but for me its some things that directs the mind and "God" is a belief that there is someone powerful n more capable of anything -than me. Well , dont get me wrong at this point- i dont think im "can do it all" person , but I do believe that a lot of things have to taken through a long road before they can b left for destiny! At the same time , at each step of work , I pray saying please let this happen without obstacles.

I think spirituality developed because people were blindly believing that praying idols can "solve" problems without realising "its all in the mind" n its your perception about what to do, resolves half the problem . It developed to teach people to believe in themselves, to know what they are all about. But I feel God is still there because we need some "object" to focus on. I cant definitely focus in space , I need something to put my attention on , so god still is as important in spirituality along with the concept itself.

Well , my thought process stopped here. I couldnt get myself to think more. What do u all think now???