Friday, May 11, 2007

Welcome Summer

Summer is here and so is my vacation time. After what seemed like forever , Im done with 2 semesters and will dedicate my summer tending for my newly acquired home and work.I feel like I've been making lists of stuff to buy to "fill"(to D's dread!!) my home with. Ahh, soo looking forward for binge shopping this weekend!! wwohhooo...

Apart from the lists ,my notebooks meant for drawing medchem structures and writing drug names, are filled with plans for summer. From cleaning and setting up the guest bedroom to buying an naked foundation cream for myself, I've made a plan. Collection coupons during the exams, so I can go check out the stores to talking to frens for recommendations , I've done it all , and all to saturation. But now, all I want to do stick to the couch and watch TV!! Oh ya, read blogs of course...

About my new found love- our new home, living here feels like living back in Austin. We had really missed that life while living in an old apartment after moving to phily. Not because we didn't like old houses, but coz we were pampered while living in new apartment where amenities and the arrangement is way different. Now this home seems to have got our lives to normal. Normal as we perceive it. That's relief!!

Now that I soaked it the relief, its time go back and hit reality ....
will keep you posted