Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Missing life

so..my life has been so full of festivals that now I lost touch with reality. Things just started to hit me and they hit me hard that I'm surprised I didn't fall flat on my face. Before I go on this senseless rant , here is what's been happening!

October was some month..full of festivals of knowledge (aka exams according to one of my profs.) which made me miss some of the real festivals and friends. Yea, I missed all the important festivals coz I had something the next day. On the same note, I lost touch with all , I mean ALL , my friends and family. I feel so disconnected with my friends, don't know what's happening in their lives and they have no idea about mine. The distance had widened and I don't know how to close the gap now. Not that I didn't feel it, but it took a friend to slap the fact on my face and say "hey wassup with ya, come back to reality". You know things don't end there, it's followed by a whole slue of wrong impressions, false opinions! ahh well, in short all the uncomfortable situations that follow.

On a similar but hopefully less awkward note is family. I stopped updating blog , so its like I have disappeared from the face of the earth. Not really but literally! Two reminders , nice ones, to update my blog came along in less than 1/2 hour , so u know how bad things have been!

Its a new month and I hope to begin it fresh, make efforts to reach back to people I love, I care about. I have to send the message across that I care for them, I miss them, I don't mean to ignore and all my friends and family mean a lot to me. Wish me luck since I will need it all.

btw...Happy Diwali to all...