Tuesday, February 23, 2016


When life runs at a pace where I have to run harder to catch up, what do I do? I slow down and watch it race by. In the process I catch those small moments, that would have otherwise slipped by, and enjoy them. The is the story of my life lately. I have ignored this blog for a long time now, not because I cannot write but I wasn't in the state of mind to write. With VT bringing home his writing assignments, Im forced to brainstorm various topics and those sessions are sometimes humorous. That brings me back to my own life- what happened to my sense of humor? Why can I not laugh at little things? Not only laugh but also pen them down so those memories can be referred back to? And brought me back to this page. Share a laugh, share a story, vent it out...whatever it may be , it is better on paper.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Is this a new beginning?

Most women await for with moment with anticipation. Whether it was a choice or an accident, it is always a joy to be a mother. It bring a new sense of accomplishment, a new essence of love and new meaning to giving. Its unconditional, but is everyone ready for this. Am I ready for this?

I always thought of these days when I was expecting. I knew what I was asking for, the demands, the challenges and felt I had the strength to face them. But when facing reality sometimes the ground is shaky. In the same moment I question myself, I find the answer. I'm ready, I'm strong but I'm no sage and do not have endless patience. When I look into the eyes of little man I'm responsible for (who right now is very keen on drawing a clock on the carpet)