Tuesday, December 12, 2006


"Relationships are strange things" -- This dialogue from the only episode of Sex and the City I saw till now triggered a series of thoughts in me. Yeas indeed relationships are strange in so many, undefinable, uncomprehendable ways. Best friends drift apart, ppl who never met each other but are only internet friends (thanks to the internet chat!) get so close.
Such things happened to me too...two of my best friends have moved so far , that I find it really difficult ( almost impossible) to touch them with the same chord. Those people whom I thought had the same wavelength as me surprised me with their coldness. Made me think if it was the same person. Other times , I still share a very good rapport with ppl I can call close,only that I don't have much face to face interaction with them. We must have met couple of times , but thanks to the internet,chatting was more frequent than meeting, yet we grew close. Even today we share what's happening in each other's lives with the same intimacy and the same affection towards each other.
I guess this is what is called moving on in life. Some ,like me , hang on to a string from the past , while others don't care. This leaves me wondering what makes people change. Well , I say ppl change, but a friend fiercely says " ppl don't change, only their circumstances change", whatever it may be , does it hurt to acknowledge a person from your past. Don't you want to atleast relive that point of life when we were buddies!?
Its up to ppl...

P.S.I'm remembering this poem by Alfred Tennyson called " The Brook" in which he says
' For me may come and men may go
but I go on forever."
and wondering if this is how some ppl think.


Anonymous said...

Well as for me, I think even if a friend is far away, if one communicates by any means, one can still feel the same vibes which one used to feel when together, even if meeting after a long period of time. The key is to "Communicate".

jags said...

relationshsips....it all depends on how one handle them.